I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Can You List Your Strengths?

    What would you say if I asked you tell me your strengths?  Would the request challenge you or could you name 10 things right off the top of your head? Some people feel uncomfortable “tooting their own horn” while others feel like they don’t even have any strengths with mentioning. Regardless of where you stand, it’s important to know your own strengths   Strength awareness helps you know and accept yourself—seeing the things that make you unique as strengths. It also gives you permission to not be great at everything. You start to recognize that everyone has strengths and allow yourself and others to step into  greatness. Knowing your strengths helps you…

  • Other

    How Can I Find Peace?

    The following post is a post from an old blog I used to write on back in 2012. It is my epiphanies about a study of peace. The ideas came up recently at a mom’s night out discussion with our homeschool group so I thought I would revisit it and share here. Hope you find some inspiration and peace. ************************************************************************ After a recent discussion of Heidi I was given a challenge to apply something that I learned/felt from the book.  A lot of my comments during the discussion were geared toward peace.  Peace is a theme I have been noticing a lot in books lately.  I have been feeling a…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Using Lists to Help with Overwhelm

    I was searching for something on Pinterest the other day and came across this pin that said 19 lists to make when life gets overwhelming. I’m a list-maker so I was intrigued. When I’m overwhelmed I usually make a list of things I need to get done and prioritize them. For some reason this is calming to me and helps me focus on what I can do instead of worrying about all I need to do. The blog post that the pin lead me to was a little more than just a to-do list. The author created a list of lists to make when life gets overwhelming. I’ve never thought…

  • Family & Homeschool,  Leadership & Personal Development

    5 Things You Can Do To Never Stop Learning

    Never stop learning. Learning shouldn’t stop just because we aren’t in school anymore. There is always something new to learn. Why should you always be learning? One of the keys of a great education taught in A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille is “You, Not Them”. When you are learning you are setting an example to others of the importance of life-long learning. A research study about parents who attended a bible study showed that if both parents attended it was 70% more likely that their children would continue in an active Christian lifestyle. If only the father attended, then it was 55% likely and down to 15% if…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Pretty Ugly–A Poem That Can Be Read Two Ways

    I’ve been thinking a lot about limiting beliefs. I posted about it a couple weeks ago, I’ve done a couple of Facebook live videos on the subject, read some books and watched some videos about limiting beliefs, and my last couple of emails have been about the things I’ve learned. It has been on my mind. Our inner talk and how we feel about ourselves is powerful and important. I came across an interesting poem awhile back. I think it’s a perfect example of a technique Gabby Bernstein suggests you use whenever you are caught up in negative thoughts: Notice the thought, Forgive it, then Choose again. The poem can…

  • Other

    Personal Photo Challenge

    I like to think I’m more creative than I actually am. I really aspire to be creative so I will often challenge myself to do creative things. I search Pinterest for ideas and try to replicate them. Sometimes I do a good job. Sometimes I get frustrated because it doesn’t look like I imagined. Either way there is something therapeutic about being creative. I remember listening to a podcast awhile ago about creating and consuming. She talked about how much we consume compared to how much we create. I don’t remember the details, but ever since then I try to be aware of my ratios. Toward the end of last…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Battling Limiting Beliefs

    This year I set an intention to learn more about me. This means a lot of things, but one part is to take time to think about stuff and understand what it means for me—being introspective. I had the opportunity to put this in to practice last week. I’ve been participating in a program hosted by Mel Robbins called The Best Decade Ever. The main premise so far is to teach us how to dream and to start exploring some of our dreams. One day, as part of the process, she did a mini training on limiting beliefs. I think I’ve always skimmed over that phrase whenever anyone talks about…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Is There Ever a Time for Dishonesty?

    As a Christian, I grew up learning about the importance of honesty. My core book and church leaders taught how and why to be honest. They instructed that honesty is more than not lying. It is “truth telling, truth speaking, and truth living.” On the other hand, dishonesty is any form of deceitfulness–cheating, lying, stealing, and misleading. Dishonesty is the opposite of honesty.  Honesty is a principle. Principles are concentrated truths that serve as a foundation for our actions. They are natural laws that can’t be broken. Fortunately, because of agency we can choose how to apply the principle of honesty; and we will be held accountable for the choices…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    9 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate and Encourage

    Inspiration has two definitions: 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative 2. a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea. When I think about inspiration, I think about the first one—being motivated and encouraged to do or feel something different. We can find inspiration all around us. Peers or family members can inspire, books and podcasts can inspire, posts on social media can inspire, even strangers can be inspiring. I love inspiration. We chose the name Intentional Inspirations, because we have been blessed to be inspired by others and hope to inspire others. We try to share inspirational content on all…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Happy 2020!

    There is something refreshing about a new year. It’s a new start; a chance to start over; an opportunity to make things better. 2019 was a great year. I accomplished a lot. I read 143 books. I published a blog post every week. I attended more social events and got to know some new people. I learned a little bit more about my body and my health and what I need to feel my best. I gained some new knowledge in energy healing and chakras. I tried some new things and did some hard things. I watched my kids grow one year older (they are going to do some amazing…