Family & Homeschool,  Leadership & Personal Development

5 Things You Can Do To Never Stop Learning

Never stop learning. Learning shouldn’t stop just because we aren’t in school anymore. There is always something new to learn.

Why should you always be learning? One of the keys of a great education taught in A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille is “You, Not Them”. When you are learning you are setting an example to others of the importance of life-long learning.

A research study about parents who attended a bible study showed that if both parents attended it was 70% more likely that their children would continue in an active Christian lifestyle. If only the father attended, then it was 55% likely and down to 15% if only the mother attended. The result was less than 6% if neither parent attended a bible study. This just shows the importance of parents being an example.

Learning also helps you stay up to date with practical skills, new knowledge, and trends. Continuous learning exposes you to knew ideas and opportunities, too.

You get a sense of personal fulfillment when you learn something new. It boosts your self-esteem and confidence. Continual learning also helps maintain a healthy brain.

Here are 5 things you can do to live a life of continuous learning.

  1. Carve out time to learn–Plan some time in your day when you can learn. This could be reading a book for yourself while your kids are napping, or allowing your kids to entertain themselves for a chunk of time in the afternoon so you can learn a new skill. Add learning to your to-do list and make it happen.
  2. Join a book club–or discussion group or take a class. When you learn with others you have built in accountability. Another bonus of group learning is hearing the perspectives of others and being inspired by them.
  3. Use date night to learn something new–instead of the normal dinner and movie, do something out of you comfort zone. Take the time to attend a class, listen to a speaker, or learn a new skill.
  4. Learn along with your children–if you have a kid interested in car maintenance, watch some YouTube videos together. If you have one learning a new language or skill at school, learn that thing with them. One of my favorite books is Laddie by Gene Stratton Porter. The mother wasn’t able to go to school, so the dad helped her learn. After dinner, when their kids were doing their lessons, the dad would read parts aloud or quiz the kids. The mother soaked up all the information with the kids.
  5. NET (No Extra Time) Learning–find things to learn when you are already doing something. Listen to an audio book or podcast while driving or fixing dinner. Turn on an educational show while cleaning the house. Use the time when you body is busy, but your mind is free to learn.

There are a lot of ways to learn. There is value in always learning. Life always gives us opportunities to learn and grow.

What are you learning right now? Share your favorite way to fit in learning in the comments.

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.