I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    10 Things Happy People Do

    This list isn’t mine, but the commentary is. I can’t remember where I got it (maybe from a YouTube video we watched during quarantine), but I loved it and had to share. Feel free to add to the list. Happy People: 1 Surround themselves with happy people. I find this to be true. It’s easy to be happy when those around you are happy. The higher energy of your associations lifts your energy. 2 Try to be happy. I believe happiness is a choice. I love the quote that says “Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have to…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Having the Energy to Make it Back

    I went hiking with some friends last week. One thing you should know about these friends is that they are hike-ers! They hike often and hike for a good chunk of time. I enjoy hiking but don’t get out very often and when I do it’s probably for an hour. 2 max. They knew this and were aware of the difference in our abilities so they kept checking to see how I was doing and if I could keep going. Their asking reminded me a movie I had watched years ago. The main character in the movie told a story about a competition he and his brother used to have.…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Quarantine Goals

    Earlier this year I came across a photo or meme that looked similar to the one below except that it was Goals for 2020. It had some of the same spaces, but also some space that are unique to new year goals. Seeing it again made me wonder if I could make quarantine goals? Can I come out of this time a better version of myself? Is there a habit I want to stop or something new I want to try? Is there something I want to have or somethings I can give? Who do I want to be by the time this is all over? How about you? Have…

  • Other

    Spring Words from A to Z

    Spring is almost over (we hit 100 degrees this week) and I’m grieving the loss of the cool weather. We’ve been going on mid-day walks and bike rides—a tiny escape from being stuck at home. With the weather getting hot and the pools being closed I needed a minute to remember all the lovely things about spring. April showersBaby animalsCloudsDaffodilEasterFlowersGardensHappyInsectsJelly beansKiteLife cycleMarchNestOutsidePolliwogQuackRainbowsSproutsTulipUmbrellaVibrantWindytaXesYellowZinnia What do you love about spring?

  • Family & Homeschool

    20 Ways to Treat Your Husband Like a King

    Check out this re-post from February 2013. What would you add to the list? ************************************************************************ Last weekend Jonathan and I attended a convention in California.  One of the speakers shared a list of 20 things that wives can do to encourage their husbands.  She said that if we want to be treated like Queens, then we need to treat our husbands like Kings.  I thought that was good advice so I am going to share her list. Initiate a good time in the bedroom Email and A-Z list of the good things about him Scrapbook his dreams Ask what you can do for him Cook for him Do his chores…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    The Power of Habits

    I love when I hear the same message from different sources in a short amount of time. This morning I listened to two podcasts that talked about the importance of habits. One was specific to habits and crises and the other was about habits and results. Both had great information, and I want to share some of the notes I took while listening. (No, I don’t usually take notes when listening to podcasts, but today I just HAD to.) PODCAST #1“This is not the time to throw out everything that worked. This is the time to dig-in to what worked. Consistency compounds. We are not created by the things we…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    Can Progress be Made by Doing the Same Things?

    Every morning I try to do a little visualization. I have an album in my photos with pictures and affirmations that remind me of who I’m striving to be. One of them is a picture of me studying with the affirmation “I am better today than yesterday.” I believe in the principle of progress–that doing the little things each day add up over time. But this week I started to question my affirmation and this principle. I wondered if doing the same things every day would still create progress. I do pretty much the same thing every day. I get up every day at the same time and exercise and…

  • Other

    What’s Awesome About This?

    Right now is a tough time for a lot of people. There’s a lot of stress surrounding the virus–having kids home 24/7, the possibility of losing a source of income, wondering if you have enough supplies, staying away from people, and the fear of getting sick. I’d like to pose a question in hopes of counteracting that stress–What’s awesome about this? The question actually comes from a podcast I listen to regularly. Brooke Snow challenges us to be grateful in every circumstance and to find the good. “It doesn’t mean you have to turn a negative into a positive. A bad thing can still be a bad thing. However, it…

  • Other

    Live Your Life to the Fullest

    We are part of living history right now. It will probably be talked about for generations. Schools are closed, stores are empty, sports are canceled, people are quarantined. There is a lot of fear surrounding the pandemic. This morning I was listening to a podcast, and, like a lot of podcasts right now, they talked about how they were handling the virus and subsequent social distancing as a family. But before they got into the topic they shared a quote from CS Lewis. When he wrote this, it was right in the midst of WWII. The atomic bomb had been invented and threats of it caused a lot of fear.…

  • Other

    How to Direct Good-Feeling Emotions

    I’ve been slowly reading Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein–a chapter a week. There is so much good information to digest. I think I’m going to read it again as soon as I finish, but a little quicker. This morning I watched a video she posted on Facebook. She shared a method for directing good-feeling emotions from chapter 11. I haven’t gotten to that chapter yet, but I loved the concept. I found the part in the book and did the activity with my kids. She suggests doing this activity every morning right after you wake up. Using your journal, write the answers to the following questions: How do I want…