• Other

    Live Your Life to the Fullest

    We are part of living history right now. It will probably be talked about for generations. Schools are closed, stores are empty, sports are canceled, people are quarantined. There is a lot of fear surrounding the pandemic. This morning I was listening to a podcast, and, like a lot of podcasts right now, they talked about how they were handling the virus and subsequent social distancing as a family. But before they got into the topic they shared a quote from CS Lewis. When he wrote this, it was right in the midst of WWII. The atomic bomb had been invented and threats of it caused a lot of fear.…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    9 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate and Encourage

    Inspiration has two definitions: 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative 2. a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea. When I think about inspiration, I think about the first one—being motivated and encouraged to do or feel something different. We can find inspiration all around us. Peers or family members can inspire, books and podcasts can inspire, posts on social media can inspire, even strangers can be inspiring. I love inspiration. We chose the name Intentional Inspirations, because we have been blessed to be inspired by others and hope to inspire others. We try to share inspirational content on all…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    8 Quotes that Inspire Me

    I love a good inspirational quote. My journals are full of them from conferences I’ve attended or podcasts I’ve listened to or books I’ve read. I love to share them on Instagram and Facebook or write them on post-it notes and stick them on the walls and mirrors around my house. I want to inspire others and myself with the ideas encapsulated in the quotes. Here are a few of my favorites. Our challenges make us strong. They are what make us who we are so we can do what God has called us to do. Just last week, I was exhausted and ready for bed, but I hadn’t done…