• Leadership & Personal Development

    9 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate and Encourage

    Inspiration has two definitions: 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative 2. a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea. When I think about inspiration, I think about the first one—being motivated and encouraged to do or feel something different. We can find inspiration all around us. Peers or family members can inspire, books and podcasts can inspire, posts on social media can inspire, even strangers can be inspiring. I love inspiration. We chose the name Intentional Inspirations, because we have been blessed to be inspired by others and hope to inspire others. We try to share inspirational content on all…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    5 Simple Ways to Get Inspired

    Do you ever have days (or weeks) when you feel un-inspired? I’ve been feeling that way all week. Usually I have ideas of what to write about for this blog or what to post on Instagram and Facebook. But for some reason I’m just not having the great a-ha moments I want and the plan I made just isn’t feeling right. So what can you do when you’re lacking inspiration? Here are a few simple ways to get the creative juices flowing. GET INSPIRED WITH MUSIC There is something magical about a good song. I have a playlist of a few songs that pump me up, get me moving, and…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    8 Quotes that Inspire Me

    I love a good inspirational quote. My journals are full of them from conferences I’ve attended or podcasts I’ve listened to or books I’ve read. I love to share them on Instagram and Facebook or write them on post-it notes and stick them on the walls and mirrors around my house. I want to inspire others and myself with the ideas encapsulated in the quotes. Here are a few of my favorites. Our challenges make us strong. They are what make us who we are so we can do what God has called us to do. Just last week, I was exhausted and ready for bed, but I hadn’t done…

  • Other

    It Couldn’t Be Done

    Jonathan, the kids and I decided to take a trip to Idaho to visit his sister’s family. Actually, we really wanted to see her new baby. He’s adorable and always super happy. We’ve had a great time so far. So because I want to spend time with family, I’m only going to share an inspirational poem by Edgar Guest. I’ll return to my regular posts next week. Have a great week! It Couldn’t Be Done By Edgar Guest Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, But, he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he had tried. So he…

  • Other

    She Who Brings Light–10 Days of Inspiration (guest post)

    A little over 16 years ago I met one of the most inspirational people in my life. On June 5, 2002 I watched report after report on the television about a young girl who had been kidnapped. This young girl was a beautiful harpist and radiated joy in her family. As I watched the news reports I couldn’t help but transport myself into the shoes of her mother: the shock she must have felt when she saw that her daughter, who brought their family so much light, had been snatched from their home. And yet, she was gone and no one knew where exactly she had been taken. The most…

  • Leadership & Personal Development,  Other

    Lead by Design, Not by Default–10 Days of Inspiration (guest post)

    Many people wonder how to improve their life or achieve what’s most important to them. For example, how to improve their health, relationships, inner peace, finances, etc. We understand how difficult it can be, that’s why we invested decades of leadership and success research to identify what sets apart great leaders and high-performers from everyone else. In other words, we wanted to find out what it was that the highest achievers did to get to where they are. In this research, it was clear that there were certain high-performance habits that this elite group of people focused on to shape their lives, we call those the 12 principles of highly…

  • Other

    A Leader is a Dealer of Hope–10 Days of Inspiration

    I was excited when Ashlee invited me to write about somebody who inspires me, but for some reason I have procrastinated writing this article. At least a dozen different times I have sat down at the computer without writing. I finally realized why I was struggling so much. The person I decided to write about is former NFL player, David Vobora. I don’t care much about sports, but David Vobora is one of the most inspiring people I’ve learned about. I’m a huge fan of his story, of what he is doing at his foundation, and the impact he is having on the world. I fear that whatever words I…

  • Other

    Finding Legacy Among Ruins–10 Days of Inspiration (Guest Post)

    Hello to all of Ashlee and Jonathan’s readers! I’m Molly from Exploring Through Life and I’m so excited to be here today to tell you a little bit about the inspiration that I have found traveling! I have dreamed of traveling for as long as I can remember, but it always felt like a pipe dream, something unattainable. It wasn’t until my 20s that I realized that with a little bit of creativity and lots of intentionality, I could really make my dreams of travel a reality. I stopped spending money on things that were of lesser priority in my life, I saved vacation days, scoured the internet for travel…

  • Other

    Faithful Inspiration–10 Days of Inspiration (Guest Post)

    Beth Moore is a Christian woman who was pivotal in my life when I was recently divorced. Upon ending a temple marriage of my LDS faith, I found myself clueless about the journey ahead. I knew one thing for sure: I needed to draw closer to the Lord to better learn His will for me during this difficult and trying time. I remember looking to my own church for insight in how to handle the pain and anguish of divorce, but I could not find very many resources. My church did not offer a divorce recovery group like other Christian churches did. I discovered other Christian authors who wrote about…

  • Other

    Our Deepest Fear–10 Days of Inspiration

    Today is day 4 of our 10 Days of Inspiration. We hope you’ve been enjoying our guests and have been inspired by their stories. Click here to find day 1, day 2 and day 3. We have more great guests participating over the next 6 days, but today is my day to share something that inspires me. I love this definition of INSPIRE that I came across recently. I am inspired by people and things that spark a desire to do something; to get up and make a difference. This quote is one of those things. (Our deepest fear printable) It reminds me that I was created to be great. I…