• Leadership & Personal Development

    Can You List Your Strengths?

    What would you say if I asked you tell me your strengths?  Would the request challenge you or could you name 10 things right off the top of your head? Some people feel uncomfortable “tooting their own horn” while others feel like they don’t even have any strengths with mentioning. Regardless of where you stand, it’s important to know your own strengths   Strength awareness helps you know and accept yourself—seeing the things that make you unique as strengths. It also gives you permission to not be great at everything. You start to recognize that everyone has strengths and allow yourself and others to step into  greatness. Knowing your strengths helps you…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    100 Reasons to Love Yourself

    On a scale of one to ten, how in love with yourself are you? How come we are so quick to believe people when they say unkind things to or about us, but reject all the amazing and kind things others say? I believe it is because our feelings of self-doubt are stronger than our self-love. So, if that is the case, how do we overcome these self-doubting beliefs and increase feelings of self-love? #2 I consistently exercise 5 times a week #5 I listen to podcasts when getting ready in the morning  Life coach Jody Moore teaches that it is OUR job to love and approve of ourselves, NOT…