• Family & Homeschool

    20 Ways to Treat Your Husband Like a King

    Check out this re-post from February 2013. What would you add to the list? ************************************************************************ Last weekend Jonathan and I attended a convention in California.  One of the speakers shared a list of 20 things that wives can do to encourage their husbands.  She said that if we want to be treated like Queens, then we need to treat our husbands like Kings.  I thought that was good advice so I am going to share her list. Initiate a good time in the bedroom Email and A-Z list of the good things about him Scrapbook his dreams Ask what you can do for him Cook for him Do his chores…

  • Family & Homeschool,  Leadership & Personal Development

    5 Tips for a Stronger Marriage

    Jonathan and I have been married for almost 18 years. We’ve had our ups and downs (as all marriages do) but we have grown more in love every year. It’s hard to even think that we could love each other more than when we first got married, but that was just a drop in the bucket compared to now. We’ve grown in so many ways and through the years have created a pretty good marriage. Having a strong, healthy relationship takes work and means doing a few things consistently. You can have a successful relationship by following just a few simple tips. Here are 5 relationship tips anyone can follow:  …

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    25 Ways to Show Love

    It’s a basic human need to love and be loved. And everyone has a primary way of showing and receiving love. Like spoken languages, we all have a love language—a language we “speak” to show affection. Gary Chapman has written a book all about the different languages of love called “The Five Love Languages”. It is a must read for anyone looking to win at the game of relationships. Gary believes that there are 5 ways people communicate love—Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Giving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. He says that typically a person will express love the same way he receives love. There’s a story of…