• Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 6}–The Ant and the Elephant: Control the Response to Any Situation

    Today is the last day of our series on “The Ant and the Elephant”. We’ve talked about CLARIFYING YOUR VISION, COMMITTING TO CULTIVATING POSITIVE DOMINANT THOUGHTS, CONSISTENTLY FOCUSING ON PERFORMANCE, and STRENGTHENING CONFIDENCE. Today we will learn how to CONTROL THE RESPONSE TO ANY SITUATION. Whenever you are running for a worthwhile goal, you will come up against obstacles. Brio the owl taught his mentee Adir the ant to expect the unexpected and anticipate his response. He suggested that Adir come up with 10 worst-case scenarios and write each on a flashcard. Write down situations or circumstances that, if happened, would cause anxiety or make you feel like you couldn’t…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 5}–The Ant and the Elephant: Strengthen Confidence

    We are almost done with this series on “The Ant and the Elephant”. I hope you have been learning (and applying) some new ways to chase your dream. So far we have learned to CLARIFY OUR VISION, COMMIT TO CULTIVATING POSITIVE DOMINANT THOUGHTS, and CONSISTENTLY FOCUS ON PERFORMANCE. Today we will focus on the next to last step—STRENGTHEN CONFIDENCE. Imagine you have been hard at work. You’ve attached an emotion to your dream and visualize it throughout the day. And you understand that change is gradual, but you know you are making progress. You’re feeling good and everything seems to be going great, when you happen across a couple of…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 4}–The Ant and the Elephant: Consistently Focus on Performance

    Welcome back to “The Ant and the Elephant” series on chasing your dream. We’ve talked about CLARIFYING YOUR VISION and CULTIVATING POSITIVE THOUGHTS, and now we are ready to learn how to CONSISTENTLY FOCUS ON PERFORMANCE. Adir the ant now knows that goals and dreams take time and effort. He knows that he needs to spend time each day visualizing his dream, and he is learning that he needs a tool to help him keep his focus on his dream. He discovered that the more often he feels the elephant buzz—the emotion that ignites the vision—the more likely he will be able to keep his actions in line with his…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 3–The Ant and the Elephant: Commit to Cultivating Positive Dominant Thoughts

    Last week in the series about chasing your dream, Brio the owl taught Adir the ant how to CLARIFY HIS VISION. This week (week 3) I will introduce the second step needed to accomplish your dream—COMMIT TO CULTIVATING POSITIVE DOMINANT THOUGHTS. If you haven’t read week 1 or week 2, I encourage you to take a minute to go back and read them and familiarize yourself with the basic ideas. Brio started by reminding Adir that the worthiest goals take time and energy. Often it is hard for us, who are going through the process, to see the change. He explained, “Sometimes we need to trust that we are closer to…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 2}–The Ant and the Elephant: Clarifying your Vision

    Welcome back to part 2 of a 6 part series about chasing your dream. Last week I began a conversation about the concept of a dream and talked about why dreams are important. I also introduced a few characters from a book called “The Ant and the Elephant” by Vince Poscente. If you haven’t read week 1, I encourage you to take a minute to go back and read it and familiarize yourself with the basic ideas. For the next 5 weeks we are going to focus on how to make those dreams a reality.   At the end of week 1 we learned that in order to achieve our…

  • Leadership & Personal Development

    {Series Part 1}–The Ant and the Elephant: Learning How to Chase Your Dream

    Have you ever seen the movie “SING”? It’s a story of a bunch of animals who have a dream to sing and perform. The animals want something (singing on stage); they struggle to get it (no family support, relationship struggles, lack of confidence, etc); then achieve success (putting on a great show). It’s the perfect example of Dream, Struggle, Victory. I’ve always struggled with the concept of having a dream. It seemed so abstract. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about the importance of chasing a dream, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it. What is a dream? How do you chase it? Why should you have one?…