Family & Homeschool

20 Ways to Treat Your Husband Like a King

Check out this re-post from February 2013. What would you add to the list?


Last weekend Jonathan and I attended a convention in California.  One of the speakers shared a list of 20 things that wives can do to encourage their husbands.  She said that if we want to be treated like Queens, then we need to treat our husbands like Kings.  I thought that was good advice so I am going to share her list.

  1. Initiate a good time in the bedroom
  2. Email and A-Z list of the good things about him
  3. Scrapbook his dreams
  4. Ask what you can do for him
  5. Cook for him
  6. Do his chores for 1 week
  7. Forgive his failures quickly
  8. Write him a note on the bathroom mirror with a wet erase marker
  9. Take care of yourself
  10. Let him be his own boss
  11. Praise him
  12. Initiate a great time in the bedroom
  13. Buy his favorite soda
  14. Have a “Yay, Daddy!” party with the kids
  15. Talk nice about him to others
  16. Be his advocate to the kids (you can tell what a wife thinks about her husband by what the kids say)
  17. Don’t keep score
  18. Greet him at the door wearing lingerie
  19. Protect his time
  20. Stop what you are doing when he comes home and welcome him home

Jonathan already treats me like a queen–he is my #1 fan and supporter.  He is a great father and husband and friend.  I’m so grateful that he is mine. 


I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.