Leadership & Personal Development

The Power of Habits

I love when I hear the same message from different sources in a short amount of time.

This morning I listened to two podcasts that talked about the importance of habits. One was specific to habits and crises and the other was about habits and results. Both had great information, and I want to share some of the notes I took while listening. (No, I don’t usually take notes when listening to podcasts, but today I just HAD to.)

“This is not the time to throw out everything that worked. This is the time to dig-in to what worked. Consistency compounds. We are not created by the things we do with intensity. We do not become who we are going to be because we did something 2-3 times with intensity. We are what we do everyday. We are our habits. Now is not the time to give up.”

My favorite line: We are our habits.

Look at what is going well in your life–what habits have created that? Look at what isn’t going well–what habits can you create to change that?
“If you want different results you need to do something different. What’s working in your life right now? What isn’t working in your life right now?”

I believe in the power of habits. Habits replace motivation. They curb decision making fatigue. Habits help you reach your goals. They help you become the person you want to be. Habits create change.

Check out my free guide to creating habits and let me know in the comments what habit you want to create to achieve a different result.

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.