• Family & Homeschool

    Your Uniqueness is Purposeful

    What do you think about being DIFFERENT? The idea can be a bit scary at times. We all want to fit in and sometimes that means NOT being different. My kids and I are reading a series of books about a girl named Betsy who grew up in the early 1900s. The series began when she was 5 and has progressed through the years until where we are now and she is about to start her senior year. During her Sophomore year, Betsy went through a phase where she felt like she needed to be someone else. She wished that her hair was curly like so and so, or that…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Literary Lunch

    Do you ever have big visions of how something should happen, only to have it happen nothing like you envisioned? What about if the unlikely way it happened was just right anyway? Our monthly Literary Lunch kind of happened that way today. The idea behind Literary Lunch comes from the Brave Writer’s Poetry Teatime. I came across a podcast over the summer talking about the concept and was intrigued. It sprang from the creator’s love for tea and poetry and her desire to share that love with others; especially her children. I liked the idea of creating an environment where my kids had an opportunity share what they’ve been reading…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Things I Did Right

    Would it be bragging if I said that I’m a good mom? Because I think I am. But, I don’t consider it bragging. I’m just confident that I have done a good job. At least so far. I’m still in the middle of my parenting career. I guess I’ll always be a mom, so if I put things in perspective, I’m at the very beginning of being a mom. But, there some things that I do right.I’m not by any means perfect. There are a few things I could do better. For example. . .I don’t like to build legos or play dolls/barbies. I sometimes get frustrated with bad behavior…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Car Troubles

    Cars. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I hate them because when something goes wrong it is a big inconvenience. I am dependent on our cars to the point that I almost don’t know what do to when one isn’t working. Also repairs are an area I lack knowledge in and they can be super expensive.I love them because they get me from point A to point B faster than my feet. And when the air conditioning is working cars are a lot cooler than walking. Also there are some pretty awesome looking cars on the road. This week has been a week for car trouble. Actually this whole…

  • Family & Homeschool

    It’s OK to get it WRONG

    I like to write notes and post them around the house. Sometimes they are things I need reminded of, sometimes they are motivational, and sometimes they are things I want the kids to learn. This particular note–it’s OK to get it wrong–was written for my kids. It seemed like they were struggling with making mistakes; feeling like they had to get everything right the first time. I wanted them to know that success comes from making mistakes; that it is OK to get it wrong if they chose to learn from that mistake. One day we had a friend over. As he walked out of the house he added a…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Look Unto Me in Every Thought

    I survived trek! I don’t think I’ve ever smelt so badly though. Or worked so hard. Or depended so much on the Lord. One phrase of the trek scripture/motto was “Look unto me in every thought.” I didn’t realize until I got back home how much I “looked unto” my Heavenly Father for help and support. Full disclosure. . .I’m not much of a pray-er. I say my prayers every night and most mornings, but I wouldn’t say that they are pourings out of my heart. They are mostly a thing to check off before I fall asleep. I’ve gone through phases where I try to be better at praying but…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Saying Yes Instead of No

    Have you ever been asked to do something and said yes even though you wanted to say no? Don’t lie. I do it all the time. And I bet you do to, too. There is an obligation sometimes to say yes. To callings in church. To friends in need. To opportunities to serve. Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes we need to say yes even when we want to say no. These are opportunities to grow. Or opportunities to serve and think about others’ needs. But sometimes we only say yes because we feel like we “should”. Well, I recently listened to a podcast that gave me permission to say no.…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Getting to Know Jonathan

    Last week, Ashlee wrote a post with fun facts about her and she asked me to answer the same questions. Here is my version of her post. ▪First job: Cleaning up the brickyard at Maverick Masonry. I was 12 or 13 years old, earning money for summer camp. That is where I learned to avoid the spinning side of a weed whacker. ▪Dream job: There’s no such things as a dream job. I’d like to travel the world building or bettering schools and businesses. ▪Favorite pizza: I don’t do favorites, but if it has pineapple on it it is no longer considered a pizza in my book. If people force…

  • Family & Homeschool

    Getting to Know Ashlee

    Well, it’s Wednesday. And Wednesday is the day I committed to write. It has been a crazy week, so today’s post is going to be a simple get to know you. Actually it will be you getting to know me. But feel free to comment so I can get to know you.  ▪️First job: Arby’s restaurant–loved the curly fries! ▪️Dream job: I miss being in the classroom, but I don’t want to go back to teaching; especially in a public school. Maybe when the kids are all grown I can find a master teacher and volunteer in her/his classroom. ▪️Favorite pizza: my memory of the best pizza is from Sardella’s,…

  • Family & Homeschool

    To Meditate or Not

    I’ve never been a big fan of meditation. I just don’t get it! How does sitting  around trying not to think help bring peace and serenity? You might be asking, “Have you ever tried it?!?! You can’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.” Well, I have tried it. A few years ago I took a summer class and one of the books was 8 Minute Meditation. The book taught the reader how to meditate in simple steps and in short amounts of time. I tried every step and even blogged about my experience. After that experience I’ve never meditated again. Until now. I’m the kind of person that listens to signs that the…