Family & Homeschool

Things I Did Right

Would it be bragging if I said that I’m a good mom?

Because I think I am.

But, I don’t consider it bragging. I’m just confident that I have done a good job. At least so far. I’m still in the middle of my parenting career. I guess I’ll always be a mom, so if I put things in perspective, I’m at the very beginning of being a mom.

I love looking at pictures of when they were younger!

But, there some things that I do right.I’m not by any means perfect. There are a few things I could do better. For example. . .I don’t like to build legos or play dolls/barbies. I sometimes get frustrated with bad behavior and hide in the bathroom to avoid my children. I don’t always speak my kids’ love languages. I often get annoyed and my tone of voice show my annoyance. I like things to be done my way. Etc, Etc, Etc.

Right Thing #1 From the time my kids were born, I read aloud to them. Board books when they were babies, then on to picture books as their attention spans grew, then chapter books in the hallway before bed, to now when we spend at least an hour every morning reading from a good book. We have so many good memories of the stories we’ve shared together and lessons we’ve learned.

Right Thing #2 I am an intentional mom. I prepare my kids and help them understand how to behave in certain situations. Before we go into a store I let them know my expectations and the consequence. Before we go to a party or a play date, they learn how to act when they are there and what to do when the activity is over. Before any activity, expectations are set. And because they have been set up to be successful, they are.

Right Thing #3 I am always learning how to be a better mom. And a better me. I read books on parenting. I talk to other moms that I admire. I listen to personal development podcasts and audios. I take parenting and other skills classes. I study and put effort into my calling as a mom. And if I learn something I like, I apply it. I am careful to take all the advise with a grain of salt and make sure that it fits our family culture before implementing it.

Right Thing #4 I am consistent and follow through. I remember when Braedi was probably 18 months old. I told her do something. It was something simple and I didn’t care if she did it or not, I was really just suggesting it. Jonathan was there and pointed out to me the importance of how I said things. If it was just a suggesting then I needed to phrase it like a suggestion. If I phrase it like an expectation then I need to follow through and make sure she obeys. It was eye opening for me. Since then I’ve been careful with what I say. And if I ask one of my kids to do something, I expect them to do it right away. I don’t ask twice. The easiest way when they were younger for me to help them obey was to take them by the hand and help them obey.

Right Thing #5 I don’t yell at my kids. Enough said.


Today I asked my kids what they thought I had done right as a mom. I love their answers.

“You’ve always set a good example for us about studying. We always see you reading your scriptures and other books. Sometimes I was scared because that meant you were going to implement  something new.”

“You allowed us to follow our passions. And you helped us in the process by providing learning opportunities.”

“You homeschool us.”

“You taught us how to act and what to say in specific situations.”

“You’ve helped us have a good family reputation.”


Motherhood hasn’t always been my favorite thing. But I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’m grateful for the kids I was blessed with. They are the best. They and Jonathan are part of what make me a good mom.

Mother’s Day 2018
“Now kiss your mom.”

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.