Family & Homeschool

Getting to Know Ashlee

Well, it’s Wednesday. And Wednesday is the day I committed to write. It has been a crazy week, so today’s post is going to be a simple get to know you. Actually it will be you getting to know me. But feel free to comment so I can get to know you. 

▪️First job: Arby’s restaurant–loved the curly fries!

▪️Dream job: I miss being in the classroom, but I don’t want to go back to teaching; especially in a public school. Maybe when the kids are all grown I can find a master teacher and volunteer in her/his classroom.

▪️Favorite pizza: my memory of the best pizza is from Sardella’s, but I have no idea if they are any good or if that is just a memory. I like Domino’s pizza, but it’s not something I can eat any more. Jonathan makes a good fathead pizza. 

▪️Favorite foot attire: cute sandals.

▪️Kids: I have 5. Girl 16, boy 14, girl 13, boy 11, girl 9. My oldest was 6 when my youngest was born–5 in 6 years. I love how close in age they are. They are each other’s best friends.

▪️Favorite roller coaster: I haven’t been on a roller coaster for probably 16 years, but I love them. I just can’t get anyone in my family to ride one with me.

▪️Favorite candy: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Licorice Nibs. YUM!

▪️Favorite ice cream: not chocolate!

▪️Pet peeve: being late and disrespect.

▪️Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving. Probably because I like the food. And I enjoy the relaxed time with family.

▪️Night owl or early bird: early bird. I get that from my dad.

▪️Favorite family vacation: The cruise we took last year. The best part was how excited the kids were. 

▪️Number of tattoos: none. I can’t think of anything I would want permanently on my body.

▪️Like to cook? not really. I do it because I like to eat. 

▪️Can you drive a stick shift? No. I learned once, but we sold the car after my first lesson and I never got to practice again. 

▪️Favorite color: red.

▪️Do you like vegetables? yes. And I’m liking some that I never liked as a kid–cauliflower, peppers, asparagus, and more.

▪️Do you wear glasses? No, but it’s probably time to get my eyes checked. 

▪️Favorite season: Arizona doesn’t really have seasons, but I like every “real” season for their own reasons. Summer because of the green grass and being able to hang out outside late into the night. Fall because of the beautiful colors and the crunch leaves and the chill in the air. Winter because of the way the snow looks as it falls at night. Spring because of the flowers and the warmer weather. 

▪️Dream car: anything red and shiny.

▪️Favorite movie: Princess Bride

▪️Favorite thing to do: read. 

▪️Married? Yes. We’ll celebrate our 16th anniversary in October.

▪️Favorite thing to do together? travel. We’ve been to some fun places. 

▪️Skill you wish you had: I wish I knew how to decorate and along with that I wish I could build things–find stuff on the side of the road and turn it into something cool.

▪️Skill you currently have: I make a great loaf of bread.

Have a great week!

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.