Family & Homeschool

Getting to Know Jonathan

Last week, Ashlee wrote a post with fun facts about her and she asked me to answer the same questions. Here is my version of her post.

▪First job: Cleaning up the brickyard at Maverick Masonry. I was 12 or 13 years old, earning money for summer camp. That is where I learned to avoid the spinning side of a weed whacker.

▪Dream job: There’s no such things as a dream job. I’d like to travel the world building or bettering schools and businesses.

▪Favorite pizza: I don’t do favorites, but if it has pineapple on it it is no longer considered a pizza in my book. If people force me be the one to choose for a group, I will choose anchovies to prove a point.

▪Favorite foot attire: minimalist shoes.

▪Kids: Same as Ashlee.

▪Favorite roller coaster: No such thing after a traumatic experience on Space Mountain as a child.

▪Favorite candy: I guess this where I feel responsible to make a public service announcement. In the future we will look back on the amounts of sugar we consumed and provided at EVERY SINGLE get together and shake our heads, because it will be a greater detriment to public health than smoking. That said, I like almond joy and most chocolate.

▪Favorite ice cream: butter pecan

▪Pet peeve: There are so many. Sometimes I just want to go live in the woods by myself. Chewing loudly is probably at the top of my list.

▪Favorite Holiday: Holidays aren’t that big of a deal for me.

▪Night owl or early bird: Night owl flirting with the front end of early bird (as bed time).

▪Favorite family vacation: Same as Ashlee—the cruise. Second up is a trip we took through Colorado when the kids were pretty small.

▪Number of tattoos: None. . .yet.

▪Like to cook? Yes, but I don’t do it very often.

▪Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, please.

▪Favorite color: Blue.

▪Do you like vegetables? Yes. Pretty much all of them. I love eating whole heads of romaine lettuce.

▪Do you wear glasses? Yes.

▪Favorite season: Summer, because I hate being cold.

▪Dream car: My dream car would probably be a motorcycle, but I don’t know which one yet.

▪Favorite movie:

▪Favorite thing to do: Lately, my 2 favorites are riding my motorcycle and Jujitsu.

▪Married? Yes. When she said she never wanted me to rub her feet, I knew she was the one.

▪Favorite thing to do together? Since this is a family show, I’ll say travel.

▪Skill you wish you had: I would like to have the skill of singing, guitar playing, and making sushi.

▪Skill you currently have: I make a killer sandwich.

I'm Jonathan and I pride myself on living a principled life. I believe "knuckle sandwich" is the answer to everything, wrestling turns a frown upside down, Sunday back rubs are a great tradition, and education will make a change. My goal is to inspire and help you find your purpose.