
My Day in a Haiku

I’m the first to confess that I’m not much of a writer. It’s probably because I don’t really enjoy it. It also might be because I’ve defined myself that way. So let me rephrase that first statement. . .The more I write the better I become.

I write every day in hopes to get better. I write to remember my day and show gratitude. I write to reflect. I write to get stuff off my chest. I write to help me be more intuitive. But the biggest reason I write is because I want to learn how to express my thoughts better and to inspire others with my words.

I say all that because I want to share one thing I wrote earlier this week. It was a fun journal prompt I followed—write a haiku about your day.

A haiku is a Japanese poem that consists of 3 lines. The first and last lines have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7. A traditional haiku often focuses on images from nature and emphasizes simplicity.

We (my kids and I) write a lot of haikus because they are simple to write, but we focus only on the syllable pattern and don’t worry about including nature. Because of the ease, I enjoyed writing a few haikus about my day.

Start my day off right
Dream, exercise, read scriptures
End with gratitude

Playing catch-up, DONE!
Emails read and comments make
Stuff is off my list

Grain free granola
Fuels my body, makes me strong
Yummy, tasty food

Getting a lot done
Checking things off of my list
Makes me say success

The best time of day
Reading aloud from good books
Making memories

Do you enjoy writing? What is your favorite thing to write? Have you ever written a haiku? Maybe today can be your first time. Feel free to share one in the comments.

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.