Leadership & Personal Development

100 Reasons to Love Yourself

On a scale of one to ten, how in love with yourself are you? How come we are so quick to believe people when they say unkind things to or about us, but reject all the amazing and kind things others say? I believe it is because our feelings of self-doubt are stronger than our self-love. So, if that is the case, how do we overcome these self-doubting beliefs and increase feelings of self-love?

#2 I consistently exercise 5 times a week

#5 I listen to podcasts when getting ready in the morning 

Life coach Jody Moore teaches that it is OUR job to love and approve of ourselves, NOT our spouse’s or our mother’s or anyone else’s job. She teaches that loving yourself is not selfish. Loving yourself doesn’t mean that you think of yourself MORE, but you think of yourself DIFFERENTLY. As you practice self-love, you start to change the way you talk about yourself. It becomes more positive, compassionate and uplifting instead of negative, degrading, and depressing.

#8 I read aloud well
#9 in a good at providing meals for my family

When you love yourself, you don’t compare yourself to others; instead you notice what is unique about you. You praise your skills and talents and the experiences that make you who you are. Jody also teaches that the point of loving yourself isn’t to boast, but to recognize where your gifts and talents come from (God), and to give the glory to Him. Knowing who you are helps you understand your value and in turn helps you manage feelings of inadequacy.

#13 I learn something every day
#16 I shower and get dressed every day 

There are several schools of thought on this concept. Some people think you should only focus on your weaknesses and work to make them strengths. But then all you see are the areas you are lacking in and low self-esteem starts to creep in. Others think you need to look at both your strengths and weaknesses—focusing mainly on your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses (instead of ignoring them) and working to improve them when you can. Still other people think you should focus only on what you are good at; working on those areas and excelling in them because that is where your biggest potential lies.

#24 I love my shoulders
#31 I don’t get offended easily

I don’t know what school I fall into, but I believe in the law of attraction. This law says whatever you focus on grows. If you focus on your weaknesses, you find more of them. But if you focus on your strengths, you’ll discover that you have more than you realized, and you’ll feel empowered. As you pay attention to strengths, shifting your mindset is easier whenever weaknesses pop up.

#43 I can break down big tasks into smaller jobs
#46 I inspired a love of reading in my kids

One of things you can do to increase self-love is to make a list of the 100 reasons you love yourself. Jody Moore and other coaches and mentors teach about this. They say the process changes the way you think about yourself. It brings happiness and peace to your life and boosts your self-confidence and belief in yourself. It also increases your potential for success.

#53 I have pretty eyes 
#57 I support my husband

Start by writing down things you appreciate about yourself. What are you good at? What skills and talents do you have? The first 20-25 are pretty easy. Then you might get stuck. Ask friends and family for their opinion. Get ideas from others—ask people what they love about themselves to spark ideas in yourself. Recall compliments you’ve been given. What makes you unique? List the superficial things as well as the deeper things. Remember there is no wrong answer.

#65 I am a good teacher 
#69 I’ve created systems in my home

I recently took the challenge of writing a list of 100 reasons I love myself. Twice. The first time I only made it to 50, then I gave up. I gave it another try about 2 months later and that time I finished. I did a combination of things I do well and things I appreciate about myself—all reasons I love myself. It was hard for me to write some of the things. I wondered if other people would agree with me. It took some work to get past that and decide that I can like something about myself without everyone else liking it too or even them not seeing that characteristic in me. It took me over a week to complete but was super rewarding.

#88 I make yummy homemade bread
#90 My butt looks good in jeans

What do you love about yourself? Can you list 100 things? I invite you to take the challenge.

#95 I am confident
#100 I can laugh at silly things

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.