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    Sugar and Spice–10 Days of Inspiration (Guest Post)

    My girls are wonderfully well-behaved. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice… and all of that. Except when they’re not. Then I would have to say they are more akin to that of a WWE match, except they aren’t acting. My oldest (“old” being a relative term in this family, considering she is 4) and my middle child, 3, know how to throw down and throw tantrums like the best of them. And you better believe their 18 month old sister is learning the art quickly. But the truth is, for the majority of the time: Sugar and Spice. But not this day. I take that back. Not this hour. Because…

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    5 Reasons Why my (Younger) Brother is my Hero–10 Days of Inspiration (Guest Post)

    It’s nothing new to imagine the idea that siblings inspire each other. I know that most siblings tend to look up to the oldest, simply because they were their role model during childhood. If you’re like me though, you may not have always been the best role model (Do as I say, not as I do, right?). They helped you learn, they guided you, and proved a place of solace for those fears and concerns that you may have been too embarrassed to speak to your parents about. I was the oldest growing up. I had to be the one who stood as the example for my younger brother, and…

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    Be Inspired by the Greatest Artist–10 Days of Inspiration (Guest Post)

    Be Inspired by the Greatest Artist Right now, I’m sitting at a table in a quaint coffee shop writing this post, and I’m taking in my surroundings. Across from me, my wonderful husband works on his own laptop. Out the window, rain falls on red and golden leaves. Around me, people type and work and create and talk. And just like that, I know what inspires me most. It’s not a friend or a family member, though I’m greatly inspired by so many people who are close to my heart. It’s not a good cup of coffee or, in my case, hot tea since I don’t like coffee. It’s not…