

          Dyllan created this header for us.


Jonathan and I have been talking for a while about starting a blog together. We brainstormed names, learned (the basics of) how to use WordPress, (tried to) figured out all the social add ons, added some old posts from our personal blogs, and are now ready to expose it to the world. Our goal is to share some of the life-changing things we have learned and loved and applied, and inspire you to make a change. Be patient with us as we continue to learn (especially about the blogging process).


“I just don’t want it to claim I’m an expert!”

That’s what Ashlee said when I asked her how she wanted our About Us page to roll out. Being the rebel I am I will gleefully break her rule to tell you why you should consider her an expert and pay attention to what she has to offer.

I am ecstatic for the opportunity to tell you about Ashlee. If you’ve met her you probably have an idea how amazing she is. If I had a dollar for every time somebody said something along the lines of, “she’s lucky to be so good at x, y, or z” or “you guys were lucky to have your kids come out so amazing” then I could afford the legal fees for punching them in the mouth.

Ashlee isn’t lucky. She is impressively disciplined and dedicated. Her main expertise is choosing an area of growth, digging in to media and mentors to equip herself with the knowledge and skills to improve, and systematically working with consistency to apply that knowledge in her everyday activities.

Every day she spends a significant amount of time reading good books, listening to audios and podcasts, praying, and engaging in a plan to improve. She is the embodiment of the Law of Compounding, the Slight Edge, and the 1% rule. Small, consistent, daily activities that seem insignificant actually create massive returns over time. By living these laws Ashlee has become if not an expert, definitely someone to pay attention to in the following areas:

Motherhood, being an amazing wife, homeschooling, teaching, faith, learning, reading, mentoring, health and fitness, friendship, entrepreneurship, finances, service, making a difference, courage, and so much more.


Even though it is nice to hear Jonathan brag about me, I still don’t want you think that I’m an expert. I’m just trying to share things that I’ve learned and have worked for me. It’s true that I have read a lot of books. I like to read and learn from experts/other people that have been where I am trying to go.

I’m currently reading a few books about how to be a better homeschool mom. I like “sameness” (change is difficult), but I learned that our homeschool will always be changing. My kids’ needs change and I need to be in the right place to help them achieve their goals.


What she would want you to know about who she is and why she does the things she does it is to fulfil her purpose to be a light in the world, to help people find truth and inspire others to make a change to become more of who they are meant to be, and through that making a huge difference. She is purpose-driven and dedicated to helping you identify your purpose and passion and living more in line with those things so you can be happier, more fulfilled, and excited for what’s to come!


I love this quote by Marianne Williamson. It reminds me that being confident, intelligent and talented is a way for me to shine my light.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.


As for me… well, I’m a 41 year old kid who loves family, education, liberty, freedom, urban homesteading, video games, overcoming fears, riding motorcycles, training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, finding and living one’s purpose, and basically anything that challenges the status quo in pursuit of excellence. I lived in Bolivia for 2 years and learned Spanish while falling in love with the Latino people and culture. I lived in Uganda for a summer working with teachers in 5 schools teaching leadership education to teachers there.


I remember when Jonathan came to me with the idea of going to Uganda. I knew it would be difficult to have him gone for so long–the kids were still young (Braedi was only 8). Most of my friends couldn’t understand why I supported him so easily. They thought we were crazy, but we knew it was the right thing. I’m glad he went. It was an amazing experience for him and has forever changed who he is.


I believe God put us all on earth where he did, when he did, in the families he did, with our unique likes and dislikes, talents, and personalities for a reason. When we find out what that reason is and take steps to fulfill that purpose we will find great joy and satisfaction in our lives and make a huge difference in the lives of those around us.


This blog is one way we are fulfilling our missions, and we hope that it will help you discover your purpose and start taking the steps to fulfilling your mission.


Since a very young age I have been enthralled with entrepreneurship, but too often let fear or “reality” interfere with my plans to act on my passion for creating purpose driven businesses that make a difference in the world.

I am inspired by individuals who dream big and follow through on a plan to make those dreams reality, who challenge mediocrity, who refuse to let life happen to them and instead intentionally become better and more capable to do amazing things.

I am working to become such an individual and I hope you will join me in that journey!


I know that one person Jonathan admires is Jeremy Slade. For most people Jeremy is unknown, but those who know him admire him as much as Jonathan. Jeremy loves people where they are at, he is a good speaker, he helps others achieve their dreams and goals, and his story of Dream, Struggle, Victory is inspiring.


Ashlee and I have been married for almost 17 years. We have 5 amazing children who are talented and have an entrepreneurial spirit. We homeschool and have since the beginning. As a family we love to learn and discuss together, hang out playing games, read books, watch movies, and visit interesting places in the world.


A little bit more about our kids. . .

Braedi is an aspiring pianist. She is dedicated to sharing her talent and story with others. Even though she reads a lot of piano music, she still finds time to read other good books.

Corbin is an upstanding young man who treats others with love and respect. He plays football and wrestles at the local high school and is inspired by motivating coaches. When he isn’t doing sports or goofing around with his brother, he can be found in his room reading a book.

Dyllan likes all things creative. She is an artist, writer, baker, singer, and actor. She also loves to read and can spend most of an afternoon on the couch reading.

Ephram loves sports. He is always trying

to convince someone to join him outside for a game of basketball or baseball or football or even for a bike ride. He is active in all ways, but can also often be seen reading a book.

Faythe is a ray of sunshine. She enjoys lots of things—art, dancing, animals, dolls, friends, breakfast. She recently discovered the joy of books and likes to brag to me when she finishes one in a day.


I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.