Leadership & Personal Development

People NEED to Help

I love how, when reading, I come across random good quotes.

My middle daughter and I are reading “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck. The Joad family has just finished their first day on the road–they are traveling to California in hopes of finding work after being kicked off their land. They meet another couple, the Wilsons, traveling and ask to share their campsite for the night. Grandpa Joad is sick and dies right as they are trying to get settled.

The Wilsons immediately jump in and help. They offer food and blankets and help bury the body. Mama Joad feels guilty for putting the Wilsons in such a situation. Mrs. Wilson quickly reassures Mrs. Joad, “You shouldn’ talk like that. We’re proud to help. I ain’t felt so–safe in a long time. People needs–to help.”

I love that idea.

Right now we are isolated, and we can’t serve in ways we are used to. We aren’t allowed into “old folks homes”. We aren’t as aware of the needs of people in our church congregations and neighborhoods. We can’t go to food banks or shelters like we used to. Something is missing. It’s probably because people NEED to help and don’t have as many obvious opportunities.

What are ways that you can help others even when isolated?

My girls are participating in a virtual game of tag with their church group. They drop a gift off at someone’s house, ring the doorbell, and run. That girl is now “it” and is supposed to find someone else to tag. A simple way to lift the spirit of another.

As a family we made a simple card with a treat and delivered it to a few friends to brighten their day.

Being a listening ear to a friend who is struggling. Drawing happy pictures on the sidewalk for passersby. Allowing someone to go first in the grocery store. Bringing in a neighbor’s garbage can. Paying for someone’s order in the drive though. Calling just to say hi. Writing a note.

In what ways have you helped others recently?

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.