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Lead by Design, Not by Default–10 Days of Inspiration (guest post)

Many people wonder how to improve their life or achieve what’s most important to them. For example, how to improve their health, relationships, inner peace, finances, etc. We understand how difficult it can be, that’s why we invested decades of leadership and success research to identify what sets apart great leaders and high-performers from everyone else. In other words, we wanted to find out what it was that the highest achievers did to get to where they are. In this research, it was clear that there were certain high-performance habits that this elite group of people focused on to shape their lives, we call those the 12 principles of highly successful leaders. These 12 principles are very predictive of long-term success. When people get laser focused on these 12 principles, everything about their life begins to transform for the better.

I’ve used the word success a couple of times and how the 12 principles can help a person achieve that. Let’s define success. If you have $1 Million in your bank account, but your relationships are miserable, is that success? Conversely, if you have great relationships, but you’re constantly stressed over finances, is that success? I recently heard someone share a great definition, “How you feel about yourself when you’re by yourself is how successful you truly are.” So, how do we get there?

One of the first things that someone who is serious about their future can do is evaluate where they are today and use that as a benchmark. We’ve created a Personal Productivity Assessment™ that can help you pinpoint specific areas to focus on right now to start achieving your dreams faster. Simply visit BecomingYourBest.com and enter your email. It’s free and will only take five minutes and then you get a real-time score of where you are today. Once you take the assessment, you will get several ideas on how to leverage these 12 time-tested principles to help you move the needle in a dramatic way.

When you start applying these 12 principles, it will literally put you in the 1%. What’s the alternative? If a person isn’t happy with where they are, then something needs to change. The good news is that you don’t have to wonder where to start. Imagine that you want to bake world-class cookies, the kind that melt in your mouth. In order to do that, you need a world-class recipe. Otherwise, you’ll spend countless hours and a huge amount of wasted ingredients trying to create the recipe. We’ve done the research and created the recipe so that you don’t have to figure it out and you can use your energy to focus on what can really transform your life.

The first step is to get started. This is for the action takers and those who are serious about their life. It’s for those who want to lead a life by design rather than simply live a life by default. It’s simple and free to get started, as I mentioned earlier simply go to BecomingYourBest.com and take the assessment to get on the path.

Once you’ve taken the assessment and you’re on the success path, we invite you to focus on one of the 12 principles every week and simply choose one thing you will do that week. This is the same approach that the Dallas Cowboys credited with helping them have their best year ever financially. After you take the assessment, there will specific ideas you can choose to focus on each week. Remember this, we’re either moving forward or backward and this simple, yet powerful approach will give you the edge and keep you on the path to becoming your best.

Rob Shallenberger, CEO of Becoming Your Best Global Leadership


Rob Shallenberger is one of the world’s leading authorities on leadership and execution. He’s trained and coached hundreds of companies around the world, to include many Fortune 500 organizations. After spending two years of service in Bolivia, he attended Utah State University where he graduated in 2000. He went on to earn an MBA from Colorado State University. He served as an F-16 Fighter Pilot in the Air Force for 11 years. He was also an Advance Agent for Air Force One and traveled the world working with foreign embassies and the Secret Service.

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.