Leadership & Personal Development

An A to Z Gratitude List

November is traditionally a month for gratitude.  Some people create a daily gratitude post for social media. Others use prompts and write in a gratitude journal every day. Others wait until they are gathered around the Thanksgiving table to share things they are grateful for with their friends and family. How do you share your gratitude during November?

I haven’t been as focused this year on gratitude as I have been in the past. For the past year, every night I write down 5 specific things from that day that I am grateful for and that seems to have filled a need.

But, in general, there are things that I am always grateful for. Below is a list of things I’m thankful for from A to Z.

A is for answered prayers. Sometimes the answer is yes and sometimes it is no and other times it is not right now, but I know that someone is listening.

B is for books. I love to read and read aloud and discuss ideas from books.

C is for cheesecake. It’s my favorite dessert.

D is for Dreams. Are you chasing one right now?

E is for Exercise. I love to exercise. It’s good for my body and my heart.

F is for family. I love that we all live close (ish) to each other and enjoy spending time with each other and strengthening our relationships.

G is for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the life He lived and the example he set and the things he taught.

H is for my home. It may be small, but it is comfortable and peaceful and where I am the most happy.

I is for ice cream. MMM. What is your favorite flavor?

J is for Jonathan. He is my biggest cheerleader and confidant. I can talk to him about anything. He supports me in everything. And he believes in me.

K is for my kids. I love watching them grow and become their best selves. I’m grateful we can homeschool and learn with each other.

L is for learning. I’m grateful that I can always find something new to learn about.

M is for memories. We’ve tried to provide opportunities to create memories instead of gifts. I’m grateful for the fun times we’ve had together.

N is for notes. I love getting a kind note from Jonathan or one of the kids or a surprise note from a friend.

O is for Opportunities. I’ve probably mentioned my favorite scene in the movie Evan Almighty where “God” talks to the wife about opportunities. God doesn’t just bless us with the things we ask for, instead He gives us opportunities to grow in that area.

P is for people living their passion. I am inspired by people who are good at what they do and are chasing a dream.

Q is for quiet time. It’s my favorite time of the day. I take a nap or some other kind of break from my kids so that I can be my best self all day long.

R is for Recipes. I have to follow one. Or at least have one then I can tweak it, but I don’t cook on my own. I have a few favorites passed down from grandmas and parents.

S is for Sunshine. Cloudy days make me sad, but I love it when the sun comes out.

T is for technology. It is what connects me to so many people.

U is for umbrellas. I’m not a fan of rain, so umbrellas are a life saver to me.

V is for vigor. Really this means health, but H was already taken. I’m grateful for a healthy body that rarely gets sick and is learning what is best for it.

W is for water. My body craves it and I’m grateful to access to clean water.

X is for eXhaling and inhaling. I’ve been more aware of my breath and how and good inhale and exhale can calm and release tension.

Y is for Years to come. I have a lot to look forward to.

Z is for Zzzz. I’m grateful for a good night sleep.

What would you put on your list?

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.