Family & Homeschool

5 Things That are Important to Me

1. My kids. I spend practically all day with them as a homeschool mom. We spend the morning together doing homeschool then sporadically through the rest of the day. I try to be intentional about connecting with them and doing non-school or screen related activities. Their education is important to me, that’s why I homeschool. Their relationships with each other and with me are important. Homeschooling allows us to spend most of our day together and cultivate relationships.

2. Jonathan. My relationship with him is different than with my kids. One thing is that he and I always sit next to each other–kids aren’t allowed to get between us. I text him random stuff, kiss him often, and try to do a date-type activity regularly.

3. My learning. I learn through reading, my MDM class and other discussions, podcasts, people. I am learning All. The. Time. Learning helps me grow and prepares me to better live my purpose.

4. Reading aloud. We spend a minimum of an hour each morning reading and usually have an audio book in the car. I love books. They are entertaining. They teach. They help us create bonds and memories.

5. Health. This includes mental, physical, and emotional. It’s important enough that I wake up every morning to workout. I’m careful about what I eat. I’m working with a doctor to get my energy back. I schedule a destress activity every day. All areas of health are important and keep me balanced.

I'm Ashlee and I pride myself on being ME. I'm your non-stereotypical mormon homeschool mom who loves a good book, green grass, conversation with friends, mountains, trying new things, and peanut butter and chocolate. My goal is to help you become your best you by sharing what I have learned.